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Monday, June 23, 2014

How to interpret WPPSI3 using a CHC framework?

Here is the WPPSI3 (2002) structure for ages 4:0-7:3  

Processing speed

General verbal ability
Symbol search

Block design
Receptive vocabulary

Matrix reasoning
Picture naming

Picture concepts

Word reasoning

Picture completion


Object assembly


And here is the CHC  classification of the WPPSI3 test.  This is taken from:

Alfonso, V. C., Flanagan, D.P. and Radwan, S.  The impact of the Cattell Horn Carroll Theory on test development and interpretation of cognitive and academic abilities.  In: Flanagan, Dawn P and Harrison, Patti L.  Contemporary Intellectual Assessment. Second edition, 2005.  The Guilford Press.

Crystallized knowledge
Fluid ability
Visual processing
Processing speed

Matrix reasoning
Block design
Symbol search

Picture concepts

Object assembly



Picture completion


Receptive vocabulary

Picture naming

Word reasoning

Here is the WPPSI4 (2012) test structure.     This information is taken the PEARSON site at: 

Working memory
Verbal comprehension

Fluid ability
Visual spatial
Processing speed

Picture memory –
The child views a stimulus page of one or more
pictures for a specified time and then selects the
pictures from options on a response page.
Matrix reasoning
Block design
Bug search
(like symbol search)

Zoo locations – The child views one or more animal cards
placed on a zoo layout for a specified time
and then places each card in the previously
viewed locations
Picture concepts

Object assembly



Animal coding
(like coding)


Receptive vocabulary

 Picture naming

We can see that the WPPSI4 structure is in line with the CHC classifications of the WPPSI3  test.  This increases the legitimacy of interpreting the WPPSI3 within CHC framework.

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