- Low visuospatial
ability with relatively good verbal ability. A significant
discrepancy between measures of verbal ability (in CHC terms,
comprehension knowledge) and measures of perceptual or visuospatial
ability (in CHC terms, visuospatial processing). The authors suggest that the discrepancy
should be at least one standard deviation. A child
does not meet
this criterion if his verbal ability is significantly higher than average
(say, above 115) and his visuospatial ability is average. A child
does not meet
this criterion if his verbal ability is significantly lower than average (say, below 85) and his visuospatial
ability is two or more standard deviations below average.
- Visuoconstructive and fine motor impairments. This ability is usually
measured by reproduction of geometric figures. We don't only look at the individual's
aptitude for copying a figure, but how well planned and organized that
figure is. This ability is usually measured
by tests like the BEERY and RCFT. Performance
is poor if it's one or more standard deviation below average. The authors recommend using more than
one test. With two tests
performance is poor if one of the test's scores is one and a half standard
deviation or more below average.
- Poor math achievement at school along with relatively good reading decoding ability. NLD children do not usually have trouble recalling arithmetical facts, but they make visuospatial errors in written calculations (i.e., confusing columns, carrying/borrowing errors) and write mirrored numbers. Not all studies find poor performance in standardized mathematics tests. The authors recommend basing the diagnosis on a discrepancy of at least one standard deviation between intact reading decoding and poor mathematics achievement. They recommend looking for qualitative signs of math difficulties resulting from visuospatial difficulties.
- Poor spatial working memory. The problem is, that I'm
not sure the authors are distinguishing
between spatial working memory and spatial memory. When writing about this criterion they
sometimes write " spatial working memory" and sometimes "spatial
memory". Tests measuring spatial working memory present the child with a
series of spatial stimuli, on which he has to perform mental manipulations
and respond immediately. Tests measuring
spatial memory present the child with spatial stimuli and measure his
ability to retrieve them after a period of time (after four minutes or
more), with no manipulation. When I
looked at the tests that were used in the studies measuring spatial working memory, usually I couldn't
tell what they were, because they are described vaguely as "spatial
working memory tests" or "visuospatial organization
problems". Anyway, the authors
recommend that the score on a test measuring spatial working memory should
be lower than average by one standard deviation or more (when using one
test) and one and a half standard deviation or more in one of two tests
- Social and emotional difficulties.
The authors list this as another
criterion for identifying a subgroup of children with NVLD. Difficulties understanding emotions and
difficulties with social skills should
be present at school and at home
and should be assessed by a clinical interview and observation. The authors suggest using questionnaires
and clinical interviews with parents and teachers.
ברוכים הבאים! בלוג זה נועד לספק משאבים לפסיכולוגים חינוכיים ואחרים בנושאים הקשורים לדיאגנוסטיקה באורייטנצית CHC אבל לא רק.
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אם אתם חדשים כאן, אני ממליצה לכם לעיין בסדרת המצגות המופיעה בטור הימני, שכותרתה "משכל ויכולות קוגניטיביות".
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The material is CHC - oriented , but not entirely so.
The blog features selected papers, presentations made by me and other materials.
If you're new here, I suggest reading the presentation series in the right hand column – "intelligence and cognitive abilities".
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