System/process 1/A
Slow information
Fast information processing
Can de-contextualize
task representations and generalize from the specific context
Influenced by
Abstract reasoning
and meta-reasoning (the ability to reason about reason)
A system that is
evolutionarily new, and is found only in humans.
Influenced by
biology. A system that is found in
animals as well. A system that is
evolutionarily old.
Uses information to
change behavior and plan for the future.
Influenced by past
Helps to integrate
new stimuli and knowledge into existing knowledge structures.
Activated when
reasoning in the existing routes is not sufficient, and new reasoning is required. Can inhibit system 1. Includes executive functions (changing
behavior according to feedback, cognitive inhibition and mental flexibility).
The default mode of
reasoning – thinking in existing structures and routes.
Limited by working
memory capacity and by processing speed.
Requires effort and attention.
Not limited by
working memory capacity and by processing speed. Does not require effort or attention.
Correlated with g. individual differences in system 2 are
related to individual differences in g.
Not correlated with
More affected by
aging than system 1.
Reasonable. Activated when intuition contradicts
Unconscious (can
also be conscious, like when daydreaming).
Rule based
One central process
A set of autonomic
systems that are partly innate and partly acquired through practice. Is related to specific modules of
information processing, like three dimensional processing, syntax processing,
phonological processing and theory of mind.
ברוכים הבאים! בלוג זה נועד לספק משאבים לפסיכולוגים חינוכיים ואחרים בנושאים הקשורים לדיאגנוסטיקה באורייטנצית CHC אבל לא רק.
בבלוג יוצגו מאמרים נבחרים וכן מצגות שלי וחומרים נוספים.
אם אתם חדשים כאן, אני ממליצה לכם לעיין בסדרת המצגות המופיעה בטור הימני, שכותרתה "משכל ויכולות קוגניטיביות".
Welcome! This blog is intended to provide assessment resources for Educational and other psychologists.
The material is CHC - oriented , but not entirely so.
The blog features selected papers, presentations made by me and other materials.
If you're new here, I suggest reading the presentation series in the right hand column – "intelligence and cognitive abilities".
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רוצים לדעת יותר על מבחן הוודקוק? לנוחותכם ריכזתי כאן קובץ פוסטים שעוסקים במבחן: 1. קשרים בין יכולות קוגניטיביות במבחן ה...

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