ברוכים הבאים! בלוג זה נועד לספק משאבים לפסיכולוגים חינוכיים ואחרים בנושאים הקשורים לדיאגנוסטיקה באורייטנצית CHC אבל לא רק.
בבלוג יוצגו מאמרים נבחרים וכן מצגות שלי וחומרים נוספים.
אם אתם חדשים כאן, אני ממליצה לכם לעיין בסדרת המצגות המופיעה בטור הימני, שכותרתה "משכל ויכולות קוגניטיביות".
Welcome! This blog is intended to provide assessment resources for Educational and other psychologists.
The material is CHC - oriented , but not entirely so.
The blog features selected papers, presentations made by me and other materials.
If you're new here, I suggest reading the presentation series in the right hand column – "intelligence and cognitive abilities".
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קובץ פוסטים על מבחן הוודקוק
רוצים לדעת יותר על מבחן הוודקוק? לנוחותכם ריכזתי כאן קובץ פוסטים שעוסקים במבחן: 1. קשרים בין יכולות קוגניטיביות במבחן ה...

Sunday, November 30, 2014
Kevin McGrew in a short video about WJ4!
קאוין מקגרו בסרטון על הוודקוק ג'ונסון 4
Saturday, November 29, 2014
A filmed workshop by Dawn Flanagan!
סדנא מצולמת של DAWN FLANAGAN!
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Playing an instrument, cognition and other skills
What happens inside musicians' brains when they play?
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
נגינה, קוגניציה וכישורים אחרים
What happens inside musicians' brains when
they play?
Tips for good assessment and report writing – 10
כמה דברים שיעזרו לכם לעשות דיאגנוסטיקה טובה יותר – 10
שיטת "חמשת המשפטים":
Thursday, November 20, 2014
She's Strict for a Good Reason: Highly Effective Teachers in Low-Performing Urban Schools
"the teacher is strict because she wants us to succeed in life."
4. Traditional instruction – the efficient teachers taught in an explicit, teacher-directed way. Typically, following energetic content presentations and demonstrations, teachers entered into whole-class discussions. Students were called on randomly and had to use full sentences and high-level vocabulary. The effective teachers kept pushing their students forward, expecting better answers and better work.
5. In the effective teacher's classes there were very few constructivist projects. Cooperative and collaborative learning activities were also limited.
6. The effective teachers encouraged the students to think about their future, and linked success in school to high education, a good job and a good life. They were not focused on making the content immediately relevant to the students, but stressed on its relevance to the student's future. They focused on specific virtues such as mutual respect, hard work, responsibility, not giving up, and thinking about consequences.
7. Respect for the students – the effective teachers had deep respect for their students and they were optimistic about their student's future.
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
יש לה סיבות טובות להיות קפדנית - מורים יעילים בבתי ספר תת מתפקדים
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