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אם אתם חדשים כאן, אני ממליצה לכם לעיין בסדרת המצגות המופיעה בטור הימני, שכותרתה "משכל ויכולות קוגניטיביות".
Welcome! This blog is intended to provide assessment resources for Educational and other psychologists.
The material is CHC - oriented , but not entirely so.
The blog features selected papers, presentations made by me and other materials.
If you're new here, I suggest reading the presentation series in the right hand column – "intelligence and cognitive abilities".
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קובץ פוסטים על מבחן הוודקוק
רוצים לדעת יותר על מבחן הוודקוק? לנוחותכם ריכזתי כאן קובץ פוסטים שעוסקים במבחן: 1. קשרים בין יכולות קוגניטיביות במבחן ה...

Friday, January 30, 2015
The Development of Autobiographical Memory
Thursday, January 29, 2015
התפתחות הזיכרון האוטוביוגרפי
Sunday, January 25, 2015
בחירת מבחנים בהתאם לסיבת הפניה - כיצד עושים זאת?
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Mathematics and cognitive abilities part 2: links between cognitive abilities and math (in light of chc theory).
Sunday, January 18, 2015
מתמטיקה ויכולות קוגניטיביות חלק שני: יכולות קוגניטיביות והשפעתן על המתמטיקה.
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Does the state of our cognitive abilities affect the self?
New and unique events happen in adolescence and early adulthood, among them events that are important for our self identity. Due to their uniqueness, these events are kept in memory better. They are also retrieved better, since they serve as examples to similar events encountered later in life. This phenomenon of more memories between the ages of 10 to 30 has a cognitive explanation as well: the cognitive systems and the memory systems (like working memory and long term memory) function optimally at this period of time. That's why storage and retrieval of memories formed at this period is better.